Right here, Right now Damn it! Enjoy the Moment

Take 20 minutes today and be still in the moment

This message must be shouted……”WOW! it’s like right now!” in other words ENJOY THIS MOMENT!!!!!

*side note: Just as I finished typing the line above, I reached for my coffee and spilled it all over the desk and floor. That moment sucked….but in my brief existence on this planet, was it that big of a deal? Nope… did I shout out “FUCK!!!!” …..yep

I need to be reminded of the importance of living in the moment about every 5 to 10 minutes because I tend to overthink everything.   My mind thrives when I meditate and bring myself into the moment. I keep practicing and improving because believe me it can be exhilarating. At this time I can meditate in the moment about 10 minutes during a 20-minute meditation. It’s not that easy to calm the mind to the stillness of the moment. It’s worth the effort. I look at it as exercise for the mind.

At a concert the other day  Billy Joe Armstrong of Green Day was shouting to me and 2500 other patrons about right now. It struck a cord with me. He pointed out during the concert of the importance of RIGHT NOW. He begged the audience to put down their cell phones, and experience what was happening at that exact moment. There I was like a dog who has that “squirrel” moment.  When I hear or read about mindfulness and living in the moment a light bulb goes off in my head. The idea of enjoying the present time, not letting things pass by. Trying to take in and appreciate every living moment. It ain’t easy.  I’m sure Billy Joe had a light bulb moment during recent therapy sessions for alcohol addiction. Everybody has their demons. It shouldn’t take a tragic moment or mishap for us to have that “AH-HA” moment.   For most, it usually hits hard when something devastating happens in our lives or to someone we know. A death, a tragic accident, a devastating diagnosis will open our eyes to just how fragile life can be. We realize sometimes life passes us by right in front of our eyes.

Duh! This happened to be a great moment.

I was seeing a great band in my favorite small venue, and they were blowing the roof off the place. It was a great moment and a great 3 hours of rock and roll. But what about the stress I was feeling before the concert. I was actually pissed because I had to wait in line just to pick up my tickets. I mean I got there 3 hours before the show. I still allowed myself to get stressed out.  I didn’t flip out or anything, I just didn’t take the time and realize it will be all worth it once the show starts. Did it matter, I had to wait in line? 

That’s just a small taste of stressing out over stupid stuff. We have to try to be happy we woke up this day, and build on that. We can’t allow special moments in our lives to pass because we are worried about tomorrow or what happened yesterday. Appreciate this moment. You’re sitting and reading this blog. Appreciate your ability to read. As morbid as it sounds, tomorrow is no guarantee. Try to think about this every day.

As Gandalf the Grey taught us, “All we have to do is decide what to do with the time that is given to us.”

There’s scientific proof the happiest people try to do these 8 things every day.



All of us wants nothing but happiness in our lives. I try to make it a point to do something I enjoy every day. It may be listening to music, reading, or spending time with the people I love. Do you take the time every day to do something you enjoy, just for the enjoyment of it? You really should try this….I’m talking about every day. You deserve it, and finding the joy in life is the reason life carries on.

Stop worrying about useless shit…bring yourself into the moment and stay there as long as you can. Exhilarating is an understatement when you get to this place