Worried about being beautiful? Vanity can delay death

Vanity, and 4 reasons to get fit


 We shouldn’t be afraid to admit that we exercise because we want to look good. It’s embarrassing to say, but vanity sometimes is my key motivator to stay in shape. Can a forty-seven-year-old still have some vanity in himself? Well, I do, and it really helps me deal with this whole mid-life crisis thing.  Our self-esteem can be so fragile. Like the Aerosmith song says, “All these lines and my face getting clearer, the past is gone”  Exercising  gives us an instant boost. After a good workout, there is a sense of  pride and accomplishment.   We stand up straight, feel confident and damn good. Healthy vanity is knowing there are a few pounds that need to be taken care of. It will take hard work and a little time. Unhealthy vanity is never being satisfied with how we look or becoming so obsessed and never happy with our appearance.  This type of person is a plastic surgeon’s dream patient. That’s not our type of vanity. We just want to look good and feel healthy.  So this puts vanity at number one on my list of reasons I try to stay fit. What a self-centered prima donna.

2. Fear

When it comes to fear, it’s not the fear of dying it’s the fear of getting fat. When I look at  overweight people it makes me wonder. Fear never came to them during the weight gaining process? I try to go for a walk around my work facility at break time. It’s a mile and a half and takes about twenty-five minutes. Today I walked by this obese co-worker sitting comfortably under a tree. All stretched out sitting back, hands behind the head, and just chilling out. This guy had no worries whatsoever. Here I am walking instead of resting, and worst of all I’m worried about him. Who’s the dummy here? The person I’m looking at who is fat, must not give a shit about the way they look. They mentally might be better off than my vain ass. Don’t worry be happy, seems to work well for a lot of people. I’m all for being positive, but being naive is a different story. Obesity, diabetes, heart disease all scare the hell out of me. Those are real fears and should be in the back of everyone’s mind. There obviously in the far back of my co-workers mind.

3. Sleep better

The days you work out are the nights you’ll sleep better.  It doesn’t have to be a vigorous workout.  “If you are inactive, adding a 10-minute walk every day could improve your likelihood of a good night’s sleep,” Max Hirshkowitz, Ph.D. Maybe it’s the sense of accomplishment that eases our mind and allows us to sleep better. People who are identified as exercisers reported better sleep than those who consider themselves non-exercisers, according to a new National Sleep Foundation survey. Even when both groups get the same amount of sleep.  The better I sleep the better person I am.

4.Increase range of motion

An increase in flexibility decreases stiffness in joints. This can decrease pain and inflammation associated with arthritis.   Movement is one of the essential keys to life. With movement comes a natural warming and expression of the muscles and connective tissue. As muscles are used during activity, heat is created which keeps the tissues warm and in a fluid state. Inactivity will not allow this heat to be created. The muscles begin to harden and the connective tissue glues together. We have seen this phenomenon with people who are bed-ridden and develop bed sores. Inactivity begins a slow hardening and decay of the body that is often blamed on aging. There is a better way. This better way is to follow the laws of nature and watch animals move. Animals often will stretch and move their bodies to loosen up. We should follow their examples. We need to move our bodies  to maintain our optimal health.  The right kind of movement will be most beneficial and will reverse the effects of aging. I use different yoga moves to stretch out before a workout. As we age the stretching part becomes more important than the hardening of muscles. I tend to do more yoga workouts these days than strength training. I  hope to learn a lot more about the benefits of yoga and someday teach yoga classes in the future. We must stay limber.


5. Improve your sex life

I saved the best for last. Exercise and staying fit increases circulation and produces that all important youth hormone testosterone.  It gets your blood flow pumping, which not only creates rosy cheeks but also improves arousal. Lubrication, genital sensation, and the tingle of sexual excitement are all fueled by good blood flow. Exercise is especially beneficial for women since it relieves stress and can clear the brain of mental clutter — and when it comes to women and sex, it’s all about the mindset. During exercise, endorphins bathe the brain, washing away tension and ushering in positive, empowering thoughts. Not only can exercise improve your sex life, but sex can actually double as exercise. An energetic session can scorch calories and give you a full-body workout, especially if you incorporate plenty of positions and foreplay.

So what are you waiting for? Start sweating and reap the benefits of a hotter, sexier body today!